A passion for
people development,
since 1994.

Goal oriented.

Your success is our success.

Dr. Gudrun G. Vogt LinkedIn Button Gudrun Vogt and Ahcène Baatiche LinkedIn Button Ahcene Baatiche
Founders & Managing Partners

At university, we experienced how dry and boring business subjects can be. The idea of turning business economics and finance into an exciting learning adventure was born. To this day, we enjoy watching participants of our business simulations gain the skills and the self-confidence to make fact-based business decisions.

We are a solid Swiss family business with a global focus and long experience. Working with us is convenient and easy – and saves time and money. Whether in development, training or course organization, we always strive to offer excellent service.

Our entire team gives their best every day. Because we want enthusiastic participants and highly satisfied L&D people. That's why we only promise what we can keep.

Our certified facilitators bring all it needs to make participants succeed:

  • Solid business and financial expertise
  • Industry experience
  • Social and intercultural skills

Targetsim, with us you are in good hands.

What we stand for.

Targetsim Wordcloud - What we stand for